Friday, June 23, 2017



Dude Perfect is a YouTube channel that some guys have where they try ridiculous trick shots of any and every kind.  They clearly film the tries over and over and over and they are incredibly and extremely audibly excited when they finally hit the shot.  There is a lot of celebration to put it mildly.
It's amusing...for about 3 minutes.  It is not amusing when you are working and have an almost 8 year old (8?  When the HELL did that happen by the way?!) in the same room watching the videos back to back to back and getting as excited as these obviously incredibly intelligent gentlemen every time they actually complete whatever ridiculous trick they are attmepting.  Oh, and don't forget the hype music in the background.  Can't forget that.

It goes something like this:  "Hype music; attempt; attempt; louder hype music; attempt; 5 GROWN ASS MEN LOSING THEIR MINDS."

Good times.

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