Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Change is hard.

Now that Alex is on his second week of Kindergarten and the reality of this change sticking around has set in, he is decidedly not excited about going to school.  He is not ready for school.  He is getting a cold.  The bus won't get him there in time because it drops off the big kids at the middle school first.  His arms feel funny.  He doesn't get any food at school.  Some mysterious boys yelled at him but he doesn't remember why or what their names were.  He doesn't waaaaaaaaaaaaant to.

Yesterday morning was a complete shit show.  We woke up on time and all was great until the bus was early.  Now, I know the little handy handbook for Kindergarten tells us to be at the bus stop five minutes early.  And I realize the bus was only four minutes early.  But shit.  Yeah, we missed the bus.  But not before I ran out the door with Alex's backpack, waving my arms like a lunatic trying to catch the driver's attention.  He didn't see me.  Ya know who did see me?  My super tall, skinny, pretty neighbor who managed to get her two kids to the bus stop in time.  Awesome.

So I had to drive Alex to school.  Drop off at school is a big turnaround driveway and when you get there you pull all the way to the front, and a teacher comes and escorts your child to the sidewalk.  Or, like in our case yesterday, said teacher has to have a different teacher hold her coffee so she can physically pry your child from your car while he is bawling and screaming that he wants you.  Super duper.

And then today.  Today.  We were ALL at the bus stop.  Alex, Travis, Sam, Aiden, and me.  Because that is how King Alex requested his departure.  But as soon as we got to the bus stop, he wasn't ready to go.  And the crying started.  The bus driver assured me he would be fine.  Yes, super nice (and once again early I would like to add) bus driver, I  know he will be fine.  The problem is that he doesn't know he will be fine.  And then Travis put the nail in the bus riding coffin when he said out loud, "I'll just drop him off."  Well then there was no way that kid was getting on the bus.  And shockingly, it ended up being me that had to drop him off.

Any guesses as to how today's drop off went?  Well, if you said the same as yesterday, you would be 99% correct.  Only difference was that there was no second teacher to hold the coffee, so I had to wait for the teacher to grab her coffee off my hood while trying to stop my screaming child from clamoring back into my car.

Yeah, I cried a lot too.  Kindergarten is fun!

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