Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Are you wondering what exactly it is that you are looking at?  Well, you can join me in contemplation while I determine if this is honestly the reality I signed up for.

The evening took a turn down Total Shit Avenue as soon as I picked Alex up from day care.  He had a bit of a rough day, which would have been fine, except instead of talking to his teacher and me about it for 90 seconds, he went into full-on toddler meltdown mode.  This resulted in me carrying him to the car while he was screaming at me.  That resulted in me yelling at him and then carrying him to his room immediately upon arrival home.  All of that carrying of a screaming 50lb child resulted in my already sore sciatic nerve kicking into overdrive in the pain department.  Fun!

I'm getting to the drawing; I swear.

Alex managed to turn it around and have a good rest of the night.  At bed time, he asked if he could try sleeping without an UnderJam.  We have been trying no UnderJam nights every once in a while with the same pee soaked result, but I don't want to discourage him if he wants to try, so I obliged.  Before falling asleep, Travis and I bet on what time Alex would be in our room telling me he peed in his bed.  I said 3am.

I fell asleep around 10ish.  And between 10pm and 2am, the lovely, favorite-animal-I've-ever-encountered dog, got up, walked around the house, and then pawed at me until I held up the covers for her to jump back up and snuggle in, FOUR TIMES.  Because, why wouldn't she need to patrol the house every hour?  I also had a keen awareness of the clock because I could not get into a position that would ease the sciatic nerve pain in my butt cheek.  Except for laying flat on my back, which I'm not supposed to do whilst growing a baby because it puts pressure on some important blood vessel or something all sciency.

The reason I know this little safety patrol ended at 2 is because that is when Mr. Alex came into our room, completely naked, to tell me that he peed in his bed.  I was an hour over.  So, I let him in bed, went and got an UnderJam because we are not trying any sort of nighttime potty training on my memory foam mattress topper, climbed in bed next to him, held the comforter up so the dog could climb in, and laid down.  Ipso facto, the diagram above.  THAT is how I was trying to sleep.

I was willing to put up with the contorted position and the snoring from BOTH boys, but one big stretch by Alex ending with his elbow saying goodnight to my nose quickly made the couch a much more appealing option.

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