Friday, March 21, 2014

Glitter the World

It was beautiful last night so we slapped the leash on the mutt, the bike helmet on the boy, and set off for a walk.  You'd think we would have a hard time keeping up with Alex since he was on his bike...but you'd be forgetting how many times he stops as quickly as possible to see how big of a skid mark he can leave on the sidewalk.

He also was stopping frequently to pick up any bits of trash he saw.  Since we are finally but recently without snow, there was a fair amount of the odds and ends of previously snow covered wrappers or straws or random bits of paper on either side of the sidewalk.  Alex stopped and picked up every. single. thing. he saw.  And sweetly handed it to me like I was a walking garbage bag.  Travis wasn't in a super duper mood and he was kinda annoyed/grossed out and told Alex to stop picking up trash.  And it was then that one of my favorite Alex-isms came out:

"But Dad.  Glitter is bad for the whole planet."

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