Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Making up for sass

This kid.  He is so good at pushing every single Make Mom Crazy button 'til they bust, but then effortlessly melts my heart on a whim other times.  Oh, that's how 4 years olds operate?  Awesomesauce.

I was slightly irritated after he tried to blame the small backpack situation on me on Monday morning, and not shockingly, I told him so.  He giggled a little acknowledgement of the fact that it was his ability to be randomly finicky that caused the delay of a proper backpack and we went on our way.

We got to daycare and he was setting off for his day when I asked for a hug and a kiss.  He obliged, went to take off, paused, and came back to give my ever expanding belly a kiss while saying, "See you later little brother."

Heart?  Melted.

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