Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A boy's boy

Last night Alex and I were checking out the status of the watermelons in our little garden and Bert walked over to see as well.  Bert and I started chatting and shortly after I realized Alex was not within eyesight and he was very quiet.  Never a good combo.

I came around the back of the house to find him standing on the back steps, grinning, and holding a big ol' rubber mallet.  I took the mallet away from while reminding him it isn't a toy and he started laughing hysterically.  Obviously something was afoot beyond his normal sneaking a tool out of the tool bucket.  So, I asked what he had been doing with said mallet.  He wouldn't spill it and his grin only widened with each incorrect guess by me.  Finally he told me.  "I was hitting dog poop with it and now you touched it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I tricked you Mama!"

Hitting piles of dog shit with a rubber mallet with the intent of tricking his mother into touching it.  If that isn't the most boy activity ever written down, I don't know what is.

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