Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The boy has been pretty much sleeping through the night for a while now. However, there are some interruptions every now and again. I still call it sleeping through the night because I don't ever have to pick him up if and when he does wake up. He also isn't waking up to eat. Any wake up usually only calls for a re-nuking or blanket adjustment and he is back to dreamland. He usually doesn't even really have his eyes open while he is fussing. I know this because I have been getting up every time to fix whatever could possibly be wrong. But, I realize this little habit needs to be nipped in the bud.

So last night, at 3:27 the boy started making noise. Nothing too bad, but he was kinda awake and not exactly happy about it. More whimpery than actually crying. But I did it. I laid there listening and did nothing. I let him figure it out. It didn't go on very long...thank goodness. He whimpered and tossed and turned for a while, but then reached over and turned on his monkey soother thingy and fell back asleep.

Amazing what can happen when I just let the kid be. Now if he could teach the dog, we would be all set.

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