Thursday, January 14, 2010

Feeling really great....

So this morning was a good morning. Alex woke up a bit on the early side. Ha! I cannot believe that I am at a point in my life when I refer to 5:15AM as a "bit" on the early side. I remember days not too far gone when that was more of a bedtime number than a wake up number. And yes, I do still miss those days. Anywho, he was up and hungry. He ate, we played, he got a bath, he took a nap, I got ready, we left on time. Traffic was moving well. Everyone at daycare was in a good mood. Smooth sailing baby.

Then I went to leave. There is a little door about 3&1/2 feet tall that separates the entrance from the open "big kids" area. You know what's tricky about a 3&1/2 foot door? You can't see a three year old sitting on the othe side of it...with his forefinger in the door jamb. Oh yeah. I squished it. All the way too. Not just a little pinch and then realized what happened. Nope. I closed the door all the way and latched it. With a three year old's pointer finger in the jamb. Just give me my "Asshole" hat now please.

Once I realized what happened, which was quickly clear by the screaming little boy on the other side of the door, I opened the door and picked him up, telling him I was sooooo sorry. He was crying, pulling on his bright red finger and looking at me like, "Why in the hell did you do that?!?!?" I felt like such a jerk. One of the teachers came over and got him and he rather quickly recovered and settled down. So, I hung my head and left...before I could injure any other children. Yay me.

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