It is spring break for Alex this week. We aren't going anywhere fun, so it's just him and me...all week...while I still have to work. Good times.
Yesterday was alright excepting one episode that almost ended with me putting the dog collar on him. I said almost; I didn't actually do it! I'm making impressive strides in the parenting arena.
As always, one of my biggest challenges is getting this kid to wear clothes. More specifically underwear. Today proved to be no different. The neighbor kids were getting ready to play outside, and since a giant Angry Birds blanket with nothing else is not appropriate outdoor attire, I told Alex to get dressed so he could play too. He came back down from his room sporting only athletic pants. Athletic pants that were on backwards. And we had our usual conversation about them being on backwards. It was at the point of that conversation where he looked for the tag that he also revealed he was not wearing underwear. He of course giggled and ran away. I yelled after him to turn his pants around and put on underwear.
He pretended to run upstairs, but then just kept running through the kitchen, laughing manically, and pausing only to pull down his pants to flash me. As Lora succinctly said...."soooo normal spring break activities; just without the alcohol."
Without the alcohol for him at's after noon here and I am an adult thankyouverymuch.
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