Thursday, January 30, 2014

That damn fox

There are many parody videos of the glorious "What Does the Fox Say?" video, but there is one in particular that Alex is keeping on the internet with his view count alone.  "What Does the Farmer Say?" is frequently requested and watched at our house.  It was funny to me the first time I watched it.  After the bazillionth viewing, I'm kinda over it.

Two nights ago, he asked if he could watch it.  I told him he could, but he could only watch it once.  I just didn't have it in me to have that on repeat in the kitchen.  He agreed that once would satiate his need.  He got all the way to end and said, "I just need to back it up a little bit."  And with one swipe of his finger, his little back up took the video to the beginning...and he pretended that was an accident.  Yeah, right, ok.

After the second viewing, I told him to turn it off.  He begged to watch it again.  I told him I had said he could watch it once and he already "tricked" me into letting him watch it twice.  He begged.  I said no.  He begged.  I threatened to lose the tablet for a week.  He began his full body fit.  We argued for a bit.  The night went on.

At bedtime, he trotted upstairs to brush his teeth.  I followed about a half minute behind in an attempt to stop any rampant toothpaste consumption.  I walked into the bathroom to find him rummaging through the bathroom drawers singing, "Where is my tooth - paste?" to the tune and beat of "What Does the Fox Say?"  His little head bobbing along to the rhythm while he searched.

That might earn him another viewing.

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