Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big day.

It's a big day for us today.  It's Alex's first day of 4K.  AND I had my 20 week ultrasound today.  Apparently we are really diggin' on smashing big moments into teeny tiny time frames.

First things first.  Alex's first day.  He was so excited this morning.  He was like a little Mary Katherine Gallgher...every time someone would greet him this morning, he would roll his arms up in his shirt, start uncontrollably hopping, and announce, "I'm going to 4K!"  He has been patient beyond my wildest expectations while anticipating this day.  And it's finally here.  I cannot believe it.

And then there's the other one...Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the first "photo" of Travairius Robert Julius:

The "Travairius" part of the name is my dad's current name for the 2nd beast child...preeeeeetty sure it's not going to stick.  The Robert part is though.  Now we just have to come up with a first name.  It only took us until Alex was three days old to name him, so I figure we have some time.  He has the appropriate number of all the different parts and was squirming all over in there the whole time.  So, he's already a spitting image of his brother.  Heaven help me.

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