Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mall Rats

Alex's aunt and uncle from Platteville were in Madison last night doing some shopping.  Platteville's a cute town, but if you  need to any shopping that doesn't involve Wal-Mart you are shit outta luck.  So they either go to Dubuque (barf) or Madison (YAY!).  I happened to be talking to his aunt before they left and really maturely just kept yelling Madison!Madison!Madison! until she agreed they would come here so we could meet them.  Gee...I wonder where Alex gets his mad negotiation skills from?

As we are pulling out of the garage, Alex excitedly yells from the back seat, "Look Mom!  It's a banana moon!  The moon is a banana!"  If you try to tell me that isn't the cutest description of a crescent moon you have ever heard, check your pulse, you're dead inside.

We got to the mall first so we headed in to JCPenney's to hopefully exchange Travis's new wedding ring.  Why does he need a new wedding band?  Because he didn't listen to his super smart wife that is always right and he didn't get it sized after he lost 50lbs, 'cause, ya know, why would you get a ring sized that falls off your finger when your hand is hanging at your side.  Aaaand he lost it.  And I didn't loose it.  I simply gave him an I Told You So shrug and left it at that.  And then I didn't like him not wearing his ring.  And he didn't like not wearing his ring.  And he whined about it a lot.  So I surprised him with a new one.  Buuuut in total winning at life fashion, I bought the wrong size.  Lucky for us, last night they had the right size! 

We headed upstairs after that.  Up the escalator.  And then we went down the escalator.  And back up and back down.  And then his aunt and uncle got to go up and down the escalator.  That kid loves him some moving stairs.  His aunt and I were going to a girly store, so the boys went to the sports store.  We found them when we were the sports store...going up and down the escalator.

For every journey on the stairs, Alex had his trademark look of determination.  Eyes focused, feet planted, tongue sticking out to the side of his mouth.

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