Thursday, May 13, 2010

91 days and counting

As of today, I have exactly 91 days to get in some sort of not giantly fat state before I have to stand up in front of a big group of people in a pretty dress. And make a toast. Damn you Bahrs for getting married.

So I have decided to finally take action...again. But this time I am really serious....because those words have never been spoken before! Anyway, I have found something that I think just may do the trick. Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred. Good sweet gravy this is not an easy workout. And I am on Level 1...and doing the "modified" (read: easier) version of about 25% of the moves. And it still kicks my ass.

I can currently feel my quads hurting. While I sit here and type. Let's quads hurt WHILE I AM SITTING. Don't even get me going on how difficult it is to get to a seated position. Or go down stairs. Yeah...this is after two nights of workouts. During the workout, dear sweet Jillian casually mentions that if this is your 7th or 8th day, you are probably noticing an increase in your endurance. Bitch, this is day 2 and all of me hurts. I am sure I will happily agree on day 7 or 8, but right now I want to kick you in the teeth.

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