Friday, August 30, 2019


Every Thursday evening in the summer, our town has live music at a park.  Last night was the last event for the summer, so naturally we finally got around to going.  This one mostly caught my eye because the band Natty Nation was playing.  Travis and I both like them, and the boys now love "Jamaica" music, so off we went.  The description of the event said there are local businesses providing food options, so we figured we'd just grab something there.  Not sure if it was because it was the last one of the summer or what, but the available food was one table with pizzas that a local business had donated.  Which is very nice, but not dinner...unless we could grab like 75% of one of the pizzas.

Travis wondered out loud if JimmyJohn's would deliver to the park, and then called and sure enough!  Subs, chips, and drinks delivered while we sat in lawn chairs listening to reggae.  Not a bad deal.

We spread out a blanket for the boys to sit and eat, and we quickly realized the park grass was too uneven to keep to go soda cups standing.  Alex had already taken his shoes off, so Travis suggested they put the cups in the heels of Alex's shoes to keep them upright.  Bang bang choo choo train, good to go.  Then Travis went full on Dad Mode and named the invention, "Shoezies."  "You coozies, but with shoes."  Yes, Travis, I get it.
The boys thought is was hilarious and brilliant.  Travis made sure everyone in a 20 foot radius heard his creative name.  I was pissed I didn't come up with such an epic pun.

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