Thursday, January 11, 2018


Alex goes through spurts where all of a sudden it feels like he ages 10 years to me.  The past week was one of those spurts.  There is just a different demeanor about him.  He's still a silly 8 year old kid, but little things are showing a grown up is in there somewhere.

A couple easy examples?

1.  He can now take medicine in pill form.  No more liquid in baby cups for him.  He'll just take his allergy medicine as a pill like a grown man thank you very much.

2.  The other night Sam was wheeling around a suitcase with his blanket as its precious cargo.  Alex saw him and said, "You havin' fun with my suitcase buddy?"  Two observations here.  First?  He didn't throw a fit about his brother touching something of his.  Second?  He said suitcase.  It is no longer a soupcase and I could've collapsed on the spot when I heard it.  I made him repeat it.  Twice.  He asked me why and I explained that he used to say incorrectly and it was the cutest thing ever.  He just sweetly smiled with compassion in his eyes and said, "Awww, sorry Mom."

There is one thing he does that I haven't corrected though.  If I do something typical of me but ends up in failure, a person would be correct in saying, "Oh, that's just classic Jackie."  Alex has learned this...almost.  The other day, I dropped something and tried to catch it like 7 times as it rocketed to the floor and of course didn't catch it and looked like a drunk ninja in my attempt.  Alex chuckled and said, "Ahhhh...classical Mama."  It's no soupcase, but I'll take it.

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