Monday, April 10, 2017

Just, why?

I got a call from day care on Friday asking me to bring in some extra clothes for Sam.  It struck me as odd since we have had extra clothes there for him since he started potty training.  But when I asked what was needed specifically since he had pants and underwear there, I was told, "Ummm....everything."  Oookkkkkkkkkk.  That's when she explained they were outside playing and Sam poo'd in his underwear instead of asking to go inside.  Ok, but why do I need to bring all new clothes, INCLUDING A JACKET?  Oh, well, that would be because instead of telling his teacher he had an accident, he decided to instead dig it out of his underwear and squish it all over himself.


After I recovered from being horrified, I grabbed an outfit and headed to day care.  I got there about 10 minutes after the call to find Sam and his teacher in the bathroom with the teacher desperately trying to clean that disgusting child with a full pack wipes.  She was apologetic that wipes were all she had, while I was trying to drown her voice out with my own apologies for my disgusting offspring.  Sam was unfazed.  He just looked up and said, "Hi Mama.  I pooped a huuuuuuuuge poop."  That was when he teacher handed me a plastic bag full of poo covered clothing.

I took the bag of grossness and headed home.  There was no way in hell I was reaching into that bag, but I also wasn't prepared to throw away an entire outfit and a jacket.  So I put the bag in the wash machine, turned it upside down, shook the nastiness out, set the water temp to HOT, shuddered in disgust, and let the washer do it's thang.  I came back when it was time to move things to the dryer and hesitantly started pulling the clothes out of the washer and inspecting/smelling each item to make sure it was clean.  THAT is when I realized the teacher had put his super poo covered underwear in a separate bag inside the bigger bag of moderately poo covered clothes.  And I had just washed it.  On HOT.  Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh...
 I may have been unwilling to throw away an outfit and jacket, but you would be sorely mistaken if you thought for any amount of time that I wasn't gonna throw that underwear straight in the garbage.  Do not pass Go.  Do not collect $200.

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