Monday, December 7, 2015


Travis brewed beer on Friday at his friend's house.  And since they drink as much beer as they brew it seems, he spent the night there.  Alex loves the nights Travis has sleep overs because he can then con me into letting him sleep in bed with me.

I tried reasoning with him that he would be more comfortable in his own bed.  "But then I won't be able to snuggle you and I will be lonely."  And that the monitor would wake him up if Sammy woke up.  "I'll get up with him so you don't have to Mom."  And finally I tried explaining that he moves too much when he sleeps and he inevitably ends up hitting me multiple times.  "Don't worry, Mom.  If I move around too much and smack you, you can just go sleep in my bed."  Check and mate.

And yes, I ended up going to his room around 1am.  Don't you judge me.

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