Wednesday, December 9, 2015

More Synonyms

Alex went to play with one of the neighbor kids after school yesterday.  There is a farm feild at the end of our street, but between the dead end and the feild there is a strip of trees.  The kids call this "the forest," but it's really just a small barrier line of trees separating the farmer's land and the neighborhood.  There is also a walking/biking path running along the length of the tree line that ends at the park.  Tons of neighbors use this path every day to get exercise, take their dogs for walks, or simply get to the park.  Most times, each neighbor will smile at the boys climbing around in "the forest" and say hello.

Anywho, Alex came home after playing and I asked him if they had fun.

"Yep!  We played in the forest.  But.  Mom.  We saw a stranger.  But don't worry, we hided from them because we didn't know if they were a regular stranger or a child bed."
"A what?"
"A child bed."
"I'm sorry honey, I don't know what that is."
"You know, like if they would just take you."
"Ooooh!  You mean a kidnapper?"
"Yes, that.  We didn't know if he was a kidnapper, so we hided."

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