Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Why aren't we just born with teeth already through the gums? What purpose does not having any teeth serve? I mean I get the whole thing where our digestive systems can't digest solid food and we are only ready for liquid nourishment and we can only suck and haven't figure out how to chew yet, but come on.

Wanna take a stab at how many teeth are ripping their way through my child's gums? Four. Four teeth simultaneously busting into his mouth. Fun fun for everyone. I feel so bad for him...and me...and Trav...and the daycare teachers...but mostly for him. As soon as the ibuprofen wears off he gets all fidgety and keeps making this sound like a sick cow, only stopping to say, "mamamamamamama" in the saddest little whiny voice.

Sleeping has also become an issue. Apparently teeth don't sleep. They are jerks 24/7. Achy teeth=lots 'o snuggling=not lots 'o sleep=cranky mommy.

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