Monday, November 23, 2009

How the hell did I get here?

My life has very little resemblance to what it used to be. I went from owning a bar to working in an office. Being on my feet all day and half the night most times, to sitting on my ass. And in turn going from a tolerable size to a size I never thought I would see on the tag of my pants. Only having to care for a four legged furry lovey sweet girl, to taking care of a furry two legged sweet boy that can't eat on his own and poops in his pants. Going from "Where's the next bar?" to "Where's my couch and comfy clothes?" You get the picture.

This weekend really drove the point home. Friday night was reminiscent of my old life. We had friends over, made a lot of food, drank A LOT of wine. Alex went to bed right as friends showed up and stayed asleep the whole time. He even slept through Kari, Mariah, Molly and I playing Super Mario Brothers. I do not understand how he did it. There was a lot of yelling. Broken up only by insane hyena laughing. But because he slept the whole time, it really felt like my old life. I got to play and be loud and didn't have to feed or change a baby. But then Saturday happened.

We got up around 7. 7am. On a Saturday. We all had breakfast and got ready to go meet the Pastor for Alex's upcoming baptism. On the way home we went to Target, and aside from a few items, got nothing other than baby stuff. Went home and made dinner. Then, I was asleep on the couch as soon as the music to Saturday Night Live 10:30. 10:30pm. On a Saturday. And then? Then Sunday happened. I got up with Alex at 6am. Travis has a new, and hopefully very temporary, schedule so he was already gone for work. Alex ate and we hung out for a while. He was mostly playing in or on various baby apparatuses, I was doing laundry and dishes and making faces at him. Then he went down for a nap and I decided to work out. While peddling my ass to nowhere on our stationary bike, I looked up at the clock. 8:01am. I was working out at 8 o'clock in the morning after already being up for two hours, ON A SUNDAY.

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