Thursday, January 29, 2009

Officially 16 weeks

Not quite halfway through and feelin groovy. Except for the continued, daunting, and irrational feeling that there is really nothing in there. That I am simply letting myself go because I think there is something in there...but in reality I am simply growing a chocolate gut! I really don't understand why this idea won't go away, but I am assured that it is a normal feeling. Perhaps when the little bambino's movements can actually be felt, it may not be so easy to think nothing is actually there.

We are officially signed up for daycare. Play Haven, watch out come September. I cannot give any guarantees about this on-the-way Julius/Zinniel. Finding a daycare was way more stressful than I thought it was going to be. After weeding out the ones Oprah couldn't afford, you are then left with choosing the least scary option. I am happy with our decision. It has been clean and well staffed each time we visited, and the babies there were happy and bouncy. They also do artwork with the babies, and teach them sign language. I am interested to see both in action, but that may be looking a bit too far in the future. Perhaps I should work on growing this thing and getting it out of me...hmmm...not nearly as fun as thinking about baby artwork.

I am thinking we maybe need to get going on the whole nursery thing. As of now, the room is about 8 degrees colder than the rest of the house. Currently it's main purpose is housing the beer fridge. Hey, don't judge, we have matured by leaps and bounds. At least at this house we are using the small fridge for beer and the big one for food...can't say that much for the last house. Anyway, moving the beer fridge is just the beginning, unless we plan on having a stumbley, slurry baby. Beyond that I am thinking we may have to make some decisions about colors and decor and stuff. This may be a problem as my decision making ability has declined to that of a four year old choosing what candy they want at the gas station. I'd say more than half the stuff on Etsy is stuff I would totally want to have in there...Kari, put on your patient pants!

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