Sunday, January 25, 2009

Let's just start from the beginning, shall we?

Around August, Travis and I had a talk about babies. Do we want one? What does one do with such a thing? How in the name of Sweet Baby Jesus would a health professional allow us to leave a hospital with one?

We decided that although we could come up with a zillion reasons (both rational and irrational) that having a kid would change our lives dramatically, the change would be a good change. Now, this is kinda funny that I would come to this decision as change of any sort tends to scare the bejeezus right out of me. So we decide no more pills. We won't stress about it...if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't. Funny thing about not taking the pills that are designed to stop you from getting pregnant...

Moving right along to November 14th. I am happily sitting at my desk trying to work while Kari is hounding me about taking a pregnancy test, especially before the weekend of Badger/Gopher Football Game Debauchery. I finally fold and tell her I will waste the $10 at Walgreens. I am positive I am not pregnant, I am way too PMSy to be pregnant! Ha! Not 30 seconds after I pee on this stick that tells me it will take up to 5 minutes to register do I see it. The word I thought I was never in a million years going to see. Pregnant. Right there on that little screen. Weekend plans have officially been changed.

A little recommendation to anyone taking a pregnancy test: Don't pee alone! The second I saw that word on that stick, I almost passed out. All of sudden the reality of a discussion months ago came crashing into my head like a runaway truck. And the only one there to witness? Aiden. Poor little dog. I am sure she was a bit confused as to why her mommy came out of the bathroom crying about how much her sweet doggie's life was going to change.

Travis came home and was super excited. I on the other hand cried, a lot. And freaked out, a lot. Not that this wasn't what we had decided we wanted mind you. It was just that it was here...that horrible thing that makes my skin crawl....change. And so began my 9 months of drinking water and always being the DD.

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