Friday, November 18, 2016

A, B, C, J...wait.

Every Monday, Alex gets a list of 15 spelling words and every Friday, he takes a spelling test.  So, every night we go through the list.  This week's list had some doozies on it.  Barge, place, badge, space, etc.  At first I was just thinking they were doozies for a 2nd grader, but then...

One of the words was bulge.  For some reason I had it stuck in my head that bulge is actually spelled "buldge."  And I kept correcting Alex.  Like every time.  Travis even said from the living room, "Huh, I wouldn't have spelled that with a D." but I just thought he was saying that so Alex didn't feel bad about not knowing how to spell the word.

You guys.  This went on for 2 days.  I kept telling him to spell it "buldge."  Until finally last night I actually looked at the list instead of my normal glance at it to know what word to have him spell next.  And I was all, "WAIT!  NO!  I WAS WRONG!"  And then I had to start the process of unteaching it.

This may not be his most successful spelling test.

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