Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Stop the Madness

Somebody, anybody, everybody, please please PLEASE tell me how to get a 6&1/2 year old to stop arguing wih you.  I cannot take it any more.  It feels like he argues every single thing out of my mouth.  It is insanity.

The times it really gets me are when he argues things that are straight up facts.  You wanna argue the ethics of military intervention?  Great.  How about the causes and effects of global warming?  I'm in.  I'll even bite on a good round table discussion of recreational drug legalization.  But I refuse to argue facts.  I will not tolerate arguing about basic math equations.  And do not correct me that a tablet is not a computer.  And?  You better believe it took every fiber of my being to not lose my mind this morning when I found myself engaged in an argument about whether or not Alex's hair was wet or dry.

Me:  Alex, come here so I can dry your hair please.
Alex:  My hair is not wet.
Me:  Ummmm...what?  Yes, it is.
Alex:  No it's not, Mom.  It's dry.
Me:  Are you being serious right now?  You just got out of the bath.  Your hair is wet.  Come here.
Alex:  It's dry Mom!  This is just the color it is.
Me:  Feel it!  It's WET!
Alex (now softly slapping the top of his wet head):  No, see?  This is dry.
Me:  I'm out.  I cannot do this.

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