Monday, October 5, 2015

New Schedule

I asked and recevied permission from my boss to work from home for the last bit of the day.  Why did I ask to do this?  Other than the obvious reason of being more comfortable at home, if I am home by 3:15, Alex can ride the bus home after school instead of going to day care.  I am very excited about this change for a couple reasons...I get to put comfy pants on a couple hours earlier every day, the dog can just go outside on her tie out instead of me walking around with a poop bag in my back pocket, and last but definitely NOT least, we will save about $400 a month.  Let's just repeat that real quick like.  $400 a month.  Don't worry, I'm sure I'll quickly find somewhere for that money to go, but I'm pretty pumped it will be going somewhere other than day care.

Alex is ecstatic.  The victory cry he let out from the backseat when I let him know this whole idea was a go, was nothing short of impressive.  His excitement was obviously a tic in the plus column for this change.  But after seeing his beaming face come through the door and then him bounding to me for a giant hug, that tic is a whole lot bigger than initially anticipated.

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