Friday, October 9, 2015

A Very Giffy Post

I swear I am going to lose my mind.  Alex's current mode of operation is to listen to what I'm saying enough to hear when I am done talking, but that's it.  He doesn't actually listen to the words that I'm saying.

It is craziness.  I say something, he acknowledges, and then he either does nothing to show he processed the words I said, or he immediately starts telling me a completely unrelated fact or story.

This morning, I asked him to grab a tissue for me because his little brother is a never ending snot factory.  He snagged one out of the box and said, "Catch!"  Knowing the aerodynamics of a tissue, I quickly requested he didn't throw it but instead hand it to me.  The whole time I was talking, he was looking right at me and he even said, "Ok."  But then he balled it up and threw it at me.

And this is on the heels of last night's episode when I instructed him to go up to my room and get the garbage bag that he put on my dresser for a reason known only to him.  "Ok Mom!"  He was in my room for .7 seconds and I hear him yell down, "I can't find it!  Where is it?!  OOoooooooohhhh!  Here it is!  Right on your dresser!  Ha!"

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