Friday, September 20, 2019

Stage 5 Clinger

We are having a bit of an issue with Miss Lulu.  She is real attached to us.  I'm not sure if it's the herding breed in her blood, or the fact that she is with me all day long, but this is getting a little nutty.  We finally resorted to building a crate that looks strikingly to a human jail cell because she can bust out of regular crates.  But that wasn't even good enough.  She watched us close the crate twice and then figured out how to open it.  So now, we put an upside down cookie sheet over the bars that lift to let her out and then put a 50lb dumb bell on top of the upside down cookie sheet.  All totally normal. But, it keeps her and her peanut butter filled LARGE Kong in.  Oh yes, we had to upgrade to the large one because she kept pushing the smaller one out of the crate and it made me sad that she didn't have her Kong buddy.

So.  We have conquered the crate debacle.  But now a new fresh hell arises.  She is C-L-I-N-G-Y.  Like whoa.  She cannot handle being anywhere in or outside the house alone.  She wants to go outside, but about 93% of the time, if you don't come with her, she will almost instantly turn around and whine at the door to come in, only to whine to go back out because PS? she still has to freaking pee.  She doesn't sleep at night without laying completely against one of us.  Tip to tail.  Resting against Travis, Alex, or me.  Ya know those dogs who will get up the second you move?  She is rapidly becoming one of them.  Except at night.  At night she turns back into Liquid Lulu and you can place her long as she is touching you.

Anywho, just now she was whimpering to go out.  So I let her out and ate my cereal on the deck.  She was happy to prance around outside until I was done.  She came back in with me.  Within 27 seconds, she was sitting next to me while I was at my desk, whimpering to go back outside.  So I let her back out and went back to my desk.  Less than  minute later, I heard an almost inaudible whimper behind me.  I turned and saw this:
Yep.  She is sitting IN the open window next to my desk, staring at me, and quietly dying inside because there is a screen separating us.

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