The attitude floating around this house the past week or so has got to change. From both boys.
Any time Sam doesn't get what he wants, he rounds his back, jams his arms down by his sides with his hands in little fists, sticks his head out forward, angry pout-walks away from me while growling or yelling, "You are not doing what I want and it is making me VERY frustrated!" Good job identifying that feeling buddy. Now stop being such an ass about it.
Alex's mode of expression usually teeters between two main themes. He will exhibit some undesirable behavior, I will tell him if he keeps it up he will lose privileges, he continues whatever it is he's doing, I will announce that he has lost a privilege, and then he goes into panic/begging mode. "No! No! No! No! No! I won't do it anymore! I promise! No! No! No! No!" Ooooooooor, he will immediately get super pissed and just make angry guttural noises while he stomps away. Both of these things make my freaking blood boil. (And yes, I get that's probably why he chooses these behaviors. Shut it, Freud.) I couldn't listen to it anymore the other night, and I yelled so loudly I peed a little.
So yeah, things are super good over here.
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