Sunday, April 15, 2018


Alex has been doing a great job focusing on Lulu and good memories of Aiden.  (Sam, just last night, asked me where Aiden was.  Way to be on the ball there kiddo.)  Last night just about broke my heart though.

He was playing with Lulu and she accidentally whacked her head on the coffee table and yelped.  I didn't see what happened, but based on how he reacted, I'm thinkin' whatever he was doing is what caused her to whack her head.  I sternly told him he needed to be more careful, and thought that was the end of it.

About ten minutes later, I realized I couldn't find Alex so I went upstairs.  That's when I discovered him in the guest room.  Holding the clay paw print from Aiden.  Bawling.  When I asked what was going on, he told me he was upset because he was never going to be able to be around Lulu again because he hurt her and he just wanted Aiden back because he knew how to play with her.

Holy buckets.

But, right on cue, Lulu came running into the room, rocket-dogged up on the bed, snuggled into his side, and licked his face until he stopped crying.  She may be naughty, but she is good for our souls.

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