Alex launched into full asshole mode yesterday when I went to retrieve him from the neighbor's house because it was time for dinner. He had decided he was not done playing, and for some reason, he thought that had any bearing whatsoever on whether he was required to listen to me or not.
After a whole bunch of sass, he straight up got on his bike, drove it to the middle of the street, summoned up every ounce of disrespectful attitude in his little body, and announced he wasn't coming with me. Things went downhill real quick like from there.
I resorted to grabbing the handlebars of his bike and pulling him along with me. And at this point, he apparently didn't think he was in enough trouble, because he started to snottily shout pout at me that he was going to follow me and that I didn't need to pull his bike and that I was going to knock him over. I was done with quietly reprimanding him at this point and loudly dared him to talk to me like that again. Extra points to me for mature parenting.
So there I was, on fire with anger, sweating, pushing a stroller with my left hand, pulling an almost 6 year old on his bike while he drags his feet on the ground with my right hand, and daring him to be rude to me again. And at that moment, a relative of a different neighbor that happened to be lucky enough to be outside to witness this debacle, shouted out, "Oooooohhhhhh...You're in BIG trouble!" Bitch, do you think you're helping here? Shut. Up. This does not concern you. And even if it did; that's the input you chose to add to the situation? Thanks.
After a very long time in his room, Alex sheepishly came down to the dinner table and apologized to me. I accepted his apology, but I was clearly still mad/disappointed/embarrassed. He was very sweet and respectful throughout dinner, and then asked if he could take a bath. While in the bath, he says, "Mom, I don't think I have the right to take a bath." What. I asked him to explain that. "I don't think I have the right to take a bath because of how I treated you. And? I don't think I should be allowed to ride the dirt bike." He was pullin' out all the stops!
I assured him that he always has the chance to make things better and that we will just move forward from here and make sure to be respectful of each other. Good gravy this kid is somethin'.
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