Tuesday, April 7, 2015


There are some dirt bikes at my parents' house and Alex has been longing to ride them for quite some time.  After proving himself on his regular bike, and Grandpa being nice enough to get the bike out of storage, Alex got his chance on Sunday.  And holy guacamole was he happy.

Grandpa took him slowly down the driveway, without the bike turned on, and walked next to him making him stop every 10 feet or so until he learned how to use the hand brake.  He had it figured out by the time they were to the field, so they turned it on, and away he went.  I was up at the house, but I could see, and more importantly hear, him.  From the moment he took off, all you could hear other than the hum of the little electric motor, was Alex creating his own soundtrack of motorcycle sounds through a smile you could see from space.

After tooling around in the field for a bit, he ventured back up the driveway so he could show me up close what he had accomplished.  He came zooming up, skidded to a stop in front of me, planted his little feet, yelled "DIRT BIKE!" and took off again.  All with an expression of such of joy on his face, you just couldn't help but smile.

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