Friday, June 7, 2019

Alex's Biggest Fan

Sam is good at cheering for his big brother at various sporting events, but we all know why he really went to hockey games...the Zamboni.  Same idea goes for baseball this year.  He will watch approximately one play of the game, yell something random at Alex (last night's was, "Go Alex!  Don't just sit there like a duck!"  Alex was standing and playing third base.), and then find a patch of dirt to play in.  Last week, they had mowed the day before and he was more than delighted to build a "garage" for his trucks out of the dried grass clippings under the bleachers.

Last night was slightly different only because he was tired and decidedly NOT in the mood to be at the baseball fields.  This sentiment was loudly expressed to us multiple times before leaving the house and while in the car on the way to said fields.  Anywho, we got to the third baseline bleachers, found him a patch of dirt, and set him loose with his HotWheels bulldozer.  All was good for about 3.4 seconds.  That was the amount of time it took a little bunch of gnats to settle in right around his head.  Immediately he started growl scream crying, "UGH!  I HATE THESE BUUUUUUGS!!" with his little hands in fists pounding the air at his sides.  So we moved to another dirt patch.  The gnats moved too.  So we moved again.  So did the gnats.  After one more attempt, we finally went to the bleachers just beyond the outfield where there was just enough breeze to keep the gnats away and a big ol' patch of gravel and dirt just begging for a 5 year old and his bulldozer.  And he played the whole, slow, painful, tonsofwalksbecauseitskidpitch hour and half of the game while happily chewing sunflower seeds.  Pig pen it up kiddo!
I assure you the bottom half of this kid was just as filthy as the top portion pictured here.

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