Thursday, August 9, 2018


Keeping in step with every other summer since I have been working from home, Alex and I have a tumultuous relationship going on over here.  On the whole, I'd say we're doin' alright.  But man, when we're not, we're not

Yesterday started out a good day, but took a nose dive when I was pushing him to go outside and be active while I was mowing the lawn.  He whined for a bit but then finally went into the garage to skate and do some hockey practice.  I was happy until I went to empty the bagger approximately 7 minutes later and he was coming out of the house saying, "Whew!  I need a break!  I'm sweat-ting."  Uhhhh, what's that now?  "Well, I was skating and seriously like every 5 or 6 seconds a drop of sweat appeared on my face!"  Huh.  Weird.  It's like your body is trying to cool itself from you doing a minute bit of exercise.  Strange.

So I told him to suck it up and get off his butt.  A full on fit ensued which culminated with him whine/yelling at me, "Don't you even care if I get dehydrated?!?!?!"  Yes honey, I do care.  I don't want you to get dehydrated.  Which is why I suggested you take an f'ing water bottle out with you.  But!  Since you seemingly have such an aversion to sweating, I'll just go ahead and cancel your hockey enrollment.  Oh, and baseball too.  We wouldn't want you getting dehydrated now.

~insert the biggest eye roll EVER from me as my sweaty ass walked away to finish mowing the lawn~

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