Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Hello? Hiya!  Yeah, we've been out of town.  Bismarck, North Dakota to be exact.  Ya wanna know what's in North Dakota in between the far apart cities?  NOTHING.  Like seriously nothing.  It was nuts.

These were all taken HOURS apart.  There is nothing there.  There is one town that has some topographical interest, but it went by so fast, and I was enjoying the view so much, I didn't snap a picture.  

But!  Once you drive for 10 hours and some change, you end up in Bismarck for your brother-in-law's wedding!  And you thank him for having it in Bismarck instead of Minot where he lives because Minot is 2&1/2 hours FARTHER WEST.  It is obvious that it was a long drive?  'Cause hot damn, it was a long drive.  We stopped for a quick overnight at a different brother-in-law's house just outside of Minneapolis on the way there to break up the trip, but on Sunday Travis decided he just wanted to be home...so we drove straight through.  It took us 11&1/2 hours, but we made it.  After this trip I do not understand how my family used to drive straight through to Florida.  Maybe I've blocked the exhausting memories of it.

The first thing Sam did when we got into our hotel room was grab the phone.  I quickly decided that was not a fight I was willing to have all weekend, so I unplugged it.  Bingo bango, toy for Sam.

He was irritated with me in the first picture because I was trying to talk to him while he was "doing work."  And yes, I maybe let him fall asleep with the phone.  He wouldn't stop asking for it and I needed that kid to sleep!  I took it out of his crib once he fell asleep to avoid, oh you know, him wrapping the cord around his neck.  But anytime we were in the room, he needed to have eyes on that phone.  Well, anytime except when he was checking the structural integrity of the dresser...
And if you have ever wondered what it's like to wake up in a single room hotel room three days in a row with two boys?
We had a good weekend and the wedding was wonderful and loving and fun.  And?  My boys got all dressed up.
Pay no attention to the photobombing cousin in the background. :)

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