Thursday, December 8, 2016

Not So Spa-eque

Travis had his wisdom teeth pulled the day after a different, more delicate procedure, so he has been movin' pret-ty slowly and isn't allowed to lift anything.  Which obviously puts me in full caretaker mode for everyone in the house.  No prob; I got this.  And I did and do.  But it is exhausting.  I have said it before, but I do not understand how single parents do it.

Anywho, Tuesday night, the boys were occupied so I told Travis I was going to quick jump in the shower, something that was badly needed.  He agreed and I ran upstairs in eager anticipation of 10 minutes of steam filled aloneness.

Alas, I am a mother.  Aloneness is a rare gem.  A rare gem that I did not find on Tuesday night.  I was just getting a good shampoo lather on my greasy hair when WHAM!  I got hit in the face with a Nerf dart.  A Nerf dart.  To the face.  WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER.  I yelped out of shock and Alex's response was, "Did I get you??!"  Yes you got me!  I'm not just in here yelping for my own entertainment.  "Mom!  That was such a good shot!  I had to ricochet it off the ceiling!!!"

Good job, now leave. me. alone.

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