Thursday, July 14, 2016


Sam has discovered ketchup.  I had been intentionally keeping it off of his plate since it's basically tomato flavored sugar, but I had to take a phone call Tusday evening after I handed a plate with french fries and ketchup to Alex.  I stupidly asked Alex to share his fries with Sam and took the call.  Dumb dumb dumb Mama.  I came back in the room to find Sam with ketchup on his face, behind his ear, and in his hair.  When I asked Alex what happened, he giggled, "He just kept doing it!"

Then last night.  We were making homemade pizzas, but they were going to take longer than Sam's little belly could wait.  So I cut up some peppers and a hot dog for him.  And when I opened the refrigerator to put the peppers away, he spotted the ketchup.  And that spotting sparked a chorus of "ketchup? french fries? ketchup? french fries?" until I finally gave in and made some.

The fries were done and cooled enough for delicate Mr. Sam right at the same time the pizza was ready to be cut.  So I gave him his highly sought after ketchup and fries, and turned back to the stove.  And by the time I was done cutting the pizza, I turned back around to see him with a handful of ketchup delicately applying it to his face and neck like a high end moisturizer.  Being the responsible parent I am, I immediately reached for my phone to take a picture.

The lighting wasn't quite right to be able to see the whole ketchup mask, but by the time I got the camera to open on my phone, he had dipped his finger to start a second application:

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