Monday, May 9, 2016

Dino Diorama

Alex's class was learning about dinosaurs and they received an assignment to complete a diorama or poster or poem or song or whatever they wanted to showcase something they learned throughout the unit.  Alex chose a diorama.  Good good.  I have to say, he did a really good job.  He came up with the plan, drew a big ol' TRex, and collected the supplies for everything else.  Travis and I simply wielded the box cutter, scissors, and glue.  I think it turned out pretty well!
 As you can see, there is a fish in the TRex's mouth and stomach to show it is a meat eater, while the Stegosaurus is preparing to consume a meal of grass because it was a herbivore.  The little yellow guy in the back is biting the tale of the Stegosaurus because it is protecting its nest of jelly bean eggs.

All in all, a pretty solid depiction of dinosaur life I think.*

*Solid depiction if we ignore basic time lines.  I.e., the barely visible human in the TRex's stomach as well as the fact that Stegosauruses and TRex's didn't live at the same like 80 million years.

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