Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Cover of Darkness

Alex is burning through shoes faster than ever lately.  It seems like every two months MAXIMUM he needs a new pair.  This time I didn't mind though.  There was a sale at the shoe store we usually go to, and they had a pair of non-light up ones in his size.  I bought them without him and had him try them on at home.  And to my elation, he said, "These are PERFECT!  They are super compfty*.  And?  They don't have lights.  Which is good because I wanna be able to play Kick the Can with the boys at the lake house and if I have lights on my shoes?  I will be an eeeeeeasy target."

*That is not a typo.  That is how he says "comfy."  Not surprisingly, I love it.**

**Speaking of things he mispronounces:  One of the BattleBots is called "Tombstone."  When I said somthing about Tombstone, Alex looked at me incredulously and said, "No Mom, it's "TUBEstone."

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