Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thanks Dog.

Aiden is still with me pretty much all day, every day.  She comes to the office, she comes with to day care, she is home with me, she goes on walks with me.  And since I've been forcing her to be my shadow, the peeing in the house has all but stopped.  There have been occasional pee incidents when we do decide to leave the house without her tagging along, but it isn't every day when I get home anymore.  Because I've made it physically impossible for her.  Yay.

This morning started like any other morning other than Travis is out of town.  Everything was going swimmingly.  Both boys woke up happy and each took a quick bath.  The dog went out and then was all snuggled in a blanket.  I made my lunch last night and got the coffee set up so I had minimal work to do.  Alex did a great job listening and getting dressed and turning off "BattleBots" when asked.  I totally kicked this morning's butt.

Right as we were about to walk out the door, I scooped Sammy up, plopped him on my hip, and immediately felt wet shorts on my arm.  How is that possible?  He was in the living room the whole time...did I miss him getting into the dog's water bowl somehow?  Nope.  That asshole of a dog peed on the carpet at some point this morning, and Sam sat in it.  Awesome.

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