Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Long Days of Baseball

Alex completed his first season of kid pitch baseball.  Given the majority of the kids had never thrown a pitch during a game before this season, it was a long season.  Lots of walks.  But his team progressed throughout the season and took 2nd in the end of year tournament! 

Now, since there are so many walks, the games have a time limit of an hour and half.  Not once, in the 26 games throughout the season and tournament did a game get beyond the 5th inning before time was up.  One game only got to 3 innings.  It was a test of patience some evenings.  Especially for Sam.  We brought different toys to each game and there is a playset, but there were 2 to 5 games a week.  We were at the ball park A. LOT.

Saturday's first game had a rain delay, and then a lot of mud puddles.  Good thing we brought monster trucks!
But even the joy of mud and trucks to drive through it weren't enough.  He is done watching his brother play baseball...

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