Friday, October 19, 2018

Fidget Spinner

Our house is like every other house on the planet that inhabits children...we have fidget spinners.  Many of them.  All different colors.  Some metal, some plastic, all spinny.  Until recently, this fad was exclusive to Mr. Alex.  But all of sudden, Sam came to the realization he needed a fidget spinner in his life.  Giving in to him and to my dislike of dealing with people, I found him a green light-up one on Amazon for $7 and free shipping.  Done and done.

A couple days later, I received the delivery notification so I knew it was in the mailbox.  I figured Sam would get a kick out of getting a package in the mail, so I left the tiny trek down the driveway until I picked him up from daycare.  Totally worth it.  He was so excited when he saw there was more than just the regular mail, and that was even before he realized the package was for him.

Once we opened it, his joy exploded out of him.  He was beyond excited.

But.  He has a hard time saying "fidget" so when he talks about it, it sounds much more like "spinach spinner."  Which, of course, I adore.  The other thing that I can't get myself to correct?  He continually gushes about how nice it was of the mailbox to bring him his spinach spinner.  Not me, not the mail lady, nope...the mailbox brought it to him.

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